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A Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Influencer Marketing_cover resized

The Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Influencer Marketing

With the rise of TikTok and the staying power of Instagram, it’s natural to wonder if Facebook influencer marketing is still relevant in 2024. We’re here to tell you — it is. 

We know you want to implement the best social media marketing strategies in your influencer marketing campaigns. This post is designed to help you do just that. We’ll dive into the Facebook influencer program, how brands find the best Facebook influencers, and how Facebook ad strategies compare to an influencer-driven approach. 

Creating winning campaigns requires intel on all the latest data, the hottest trends, and the most advantageous strategies. We created this post to help you stay ahead of the curve, even on a legacy social platform like Facebook. Working with 2024 social channels is a lot like the Girl Scouts song from my childhood: Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other’s gold. 

Facebook is a golden oldie when it comes to social networks. And the data shows it’s here to stay. Here’s how to make the most of your Facebook influencer marketing in 2024.

Is Facebook Still Relevant for Influencer Campaigns? The Data Says Yes

Facebook turned 20 this year. In that time we’ve seen the rise and fall of plenty of other social media networks. But the data shows Facebook is still going strong. Here are the highlights: 

As of July 2024, Facebook is the third most visited site on the web after Google and YouTube. It makes sense considering the platform boasts a total 3.065 billion monthly users. That’s right, 37 percent of humanity is on Facebook. Talk about relevant!

Over two-thirds of those monthly users, about 2.1 billion, are active on the platform every day. And the average American user spends more than 30 minutes on the platform daily. That’s a lot of eyeballs on a daily basis.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Check out our Facebook stats roundup for even more Facebook influencer marketing 2024 learnings.

Facebook Ranks Among the Top Platforms for a Few Different Metrics

It might not be the most popular social media site these days, but Facebook still claims the top spot in several online categories. These include:


As of January 2023, Statista reported Facebook was the most popular social media platform among marketers. A whopping 89 percent of marketers worldwide reported using Facebook in their campaign strategies. 

leading social media platforms used by marketers worldwide as of Jan 2024

Source: Statista


Facebook has the highest number of social commerce buyers. In fact, the platform was forecasted to reach 64.6 million buyers this year in 2024. Compare that to Instagram’s 46.8 million shoppers, and it’s clear Facebook Marketplace still reigns supreme. If you’re looking to make conversions on social media, Facebook just might be the place to do it. 


According to the HubSpot 2024 State of Marketing Report, Facebook tied with Instagram for the largest return on investment for marketers using social channels. With both platforms earning an ROI average of 29 percent

Top Social Media Channels for Marketing

Source: HubSpot


In 2024, half of U.S. adults get at least some of their news from social media. And 30 percent of American adults scroll on Facebook for that news. This may not relate directly to your marketing strategies, but it proves that Facebook is a trusted platform and resource for many users.

News sources by social media channel

Source: Pew Research Center

The Benefits of Influencer Marketing vs. Facebook Ads

So how effective is Facebook influencer marketing? And how does it compare to traditional Facebook ads? In general, Facebook ads offer excellent reach and precise targeting, while influencer marketing works best for building trust and engagement. We recommend brands use a strategy that incorporates both Facebook ads and influencer marketing to get the most bang for their buck on the platform. 

You can check out our full breakdown on the pros and cons of influencer marketing on Facebook vs employing traditional Facebook ads on the blog. But first, here are some key stats for advertising on Facebook in 2024.

More than half (54 percent) of Facebook users research brands on the platform. And 72 percent of Facebook users can be reached via Facebook ads. That’s 41 percent of all internet users. Last year, Facebook’s total ad revenue reached $135 billion. That’s up from $116 billion in 2022.

Annual revenue generated by Meta Platforms from 2009 to 2023

Source: Statista

The average conversion rate for Facebook ads is 8.25 percent. That’s across all industries. Generally, a good conversion rate on social media is considered between two and five percent. So Facebook is clearly pulling ahead. 

Additionally, the average cost per click in traffic campaign Facebook ads is only $0.83. That’s more than $3 less per click than the average cost of a Google Ad (at $4.22 CPC). And, as we mentioned above, Facebook is tied with Instagram for the highest ROI on social media at 29 percent

All that is to say, marketing on Facebook pays off. Whether you take a traditional approach with Facebook ads, go the influencer marketing route with your audience’s favorite creators, or your strategy features a mix of the two, Facebook is a great platform to reach large, engaged audiences and see conversions from your efforts. 

What are the Benefits of Facebook’s Influencer Program?

The Facebook Influencer Program is designed to help creators earn money and grow their audiences on the app. It also allows brands to work with them seamlessly through their professional dashboards. The Facebook Influencer Program (also called the Creator Program) helps brands find the right influencers, increase engagement in the content they’re hired to create, and streamline the brand-influencer relationship in the app. 

Benefits of the Facebook Influencer Program for creators include:

  • Ability to earn unlimited monthly payouts
  • Opportunity to grow their audience
  • Expanded monetization opportunities
  • Discoverability for brands 
  • A professional dashboard to streamline their campaigns
  • Insights, performance, and editing tools
  • Creative control over how they pitch their profile to brands
Professional dashboard representation

Source: Meta

Meta is constantly iterating on their Facebook influencer program to make it even easier for creators and brands to connect and make money through the platform. Recent updates include new ProMode features which let any user turn their profile into a professional Creator profile. And they’ve upgraded the Reels editor and added Inspiration and Template Hubs to help Creators reach new audiences through their Reels content. 

How to Find the Best Facebook Influencers

Selecting the best Facebook influencers is a crucial (and fun) part of the process. One way to find the best Facebook influencers is to use the Brand Collab Manager tool in the Facebook Influencer Program. The tool allows you to browse creator profiles to find the best fit for your paid partnerships. 

When it comes to selecting influencers, authenticity is key. Partnering with someone whose content naturally fits with your brand is key for a successful campaign. The best campaigns allow room for their influencers’ creativity to shine, so you have to trust your influencer will create content that will serve your brand well. 

In addition to creative alignment, you’ll want to consider the size of their audience, how active they are on Facebook, what their engagement is like on the app, and how well their FB content usually performs. 

It’s becoming increasingly common for brands to partner with micro and nano influencers with smaller followings, more established niches, and better engagement. But if you’re trying to roll out a huge brand awareness campaign and you have the budget, mega influencers still have their perks too. 

Once you’ve found the right influencers, you’ll have to decide the best way to collaborate with them. The best type of influencer collaboration for your campaign may include sponsored content, guest posts, brand ambassador programs, giveaways, takeovers, and affiliate marketing. The best collab will depend on your campaign goals, your relationship with your influencers, and the product or service you’re marketing.

4 Facebook Features That Matter for Influencer Marketers

A Beginners Guide to Facebook Influencer Marketing

Facebook has plenty of bells and whistles to use to your advantage. These four Facebook features are among our favorites. They allow you to diversify your content and reach audiences in different, engaging ways. Try out these Facebook features in your next campaign.


Harness your audience’s FOMO and let them tune into your influencer’s life in real time. Facebook Lives are a great way to engage your audience with real, authentic expression from your influencer partners. Brands can also host Facebook Lives to unveil new products and engage directly with audiences. 


There’s a reason 500 million people use the Stories feature every day. It’s great for individuals and brands. Because Stories expire in 24 hours, they’re a great place to test messaging and imagery for upcoming campaigns. 

Stories can now last up to 120 seconds. (Unless they’re shared via Messenger, in which case, they’ll have to adhere to the old 20-second limit.) That means you can share up to two minutes of content for 24 hours, and it won’t live permanently on your Feed (or your influencer partner’s). 

Stories can be used to share photos, videos, Feed posts, events, and more. Plus, you can add music, stickers, polls, text, and links to jazz up your content. That means more CTAs, links to shop, and fun content reach your audience without spamming their Feeds.

Brands can use Stories to tease upcoming content, drops, or promotional offers. Or utilize this feature to highlight Feed posts, reviews, and customer UGC. The beauty of Stories is that it allows more room to play. 


One of the major selling points of influencer marketing is that it feels more human than traditional advertising. Facebook Groups serve a similar function in the marketing world. They allow you to bring your target audience together in community with you, your brand, your influencers, and each other. And that carries big selling power. 


We all know by now that short-form video is king in the social media kingdom. But TikTok isn’t the only platform boasting bingeable videos. Facebook users spend half their time on the app watching videos. In fact, Reels get 200 billion views daily on Facebook.

Currently, Facebook offers both Videos and Reels. Videos are In-Feed posts that can be of any length and are geared toward your current friends and followers. And Facebook Reels are Meta’s answer to the TikTok craze. They can be up to 90 seconds in length and are geared more toward discoverability. The Reels Feed is a video-first section of the platform that allows users to find new accounts based on their interaction with previous videos. It’s the virality algorithm at work. 

Reels new editing features from Meta

Reels new editing features. Source: Meta

As of 2021, upwards of 85 percent of Facebook users watched video content with their sound off. While we always preach the benefits and ethics of creating accessible content, this further highlights the importance of providing captions for all video content across the platform. Make sure your video content is understandable even on silent. Captions are your friend!

Kick Off your Facebook Influencer Marketing 2024 Campaigns

That’s the latest on Facebook influencer marketing in 2024. Whether you’re looking for the hottest social media marketing strategies or hunting for the best Facebook influencers, we hope this post gave you a roadmap for navigating the platform in 2024. After all, there’s more to influencer marketing than creating Instagram campaigns. Here at The Shelf, we love a cross-functional approach that spans all the appropriate channels. Hopefully, this post inspires you to integrate Facebook in your upcoming campaigns. 

If you’d like help developing a winning Facebook influencer marketing strategy for 2024, we can help. Schedule a strategy call with one of our experts today, and we’ll dig into the best strategies to help you reach your goals. 

Ariana Newhouse B2B Writer

About This Author

Ariana Newhouse | B2B Writer

I am a freelance writer and comedian based in Los Angeles, and while making people laugh is my jam, it’s not always the company brand. So, I strive to make people feel something. My writing philosophy is collaborative, empathetic, and humanistic. At the end of the day, no matter the message, there are real people on both ends of the process.

Digital marketing strategies fit together like puzzle pieces.

Your influencer campaign should be one of those pieces.

The Shelf is an influencer marketing agency that creates full-funnel influencer campaigns to help brands leverage touchpoints at every stage of the purchase process.

We partner brands with Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube storytellers for campaigns customized to boost the ROI of your overarching paid digital marketing strategy.

Not sure how to integrate influencers into your larger digital strategy? We have people who can walk you through that process... and give you some great ideas along the way. Click to schedule a strategy call.

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