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The Everything Guide to Working with TikTok Creators

Want to get your message in front of your (younger) audience? Then collaborate with TikTok creators. Companies know this. Brands know this. And, well, even the White House knows this (oh, the hypocrisy amid an impeding TikTok ban). 

Not surprising.

TikTok is the new television ad on steroids. And, judging by the numbers, the new TV, as well. It outpaces Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime in the number of users on the app as well as the average amount of time users spend watching video in the app. Impressive, huh? TikTok content reaches millions of people (who actually want to see it).

That all sounds super sexy, Saphia. But we know the benefits of TikTok. How the heck do we find TikTok Creators to work with?

Well, you probably already know that you can’t just partner with anyone. So, consider this guide your playbook for navigating the selection process. Our goal with this content is to help you find your perfect match. Let’s explore how TikTok works and how you can your creator partners can help you take the platform by storm.

Before We Get Into the Creators, Let’s Talk About The TikTok Algo

TikTok’s algorithm is that friend who always knows what you want before you do. Creepy? Maybe a little. Effective? You bet your last viral dance challenge it is.

Here’s the scoop: Unlike other social platforms that care about who you know, TikTok’s For You Page (FYP) is all about what catches your eye. It’s built on what the cool kids call the “interest graph.” It’s a digital mind reader constantly taking notes on your scrolling habits.

So, how does it work? Let’s break it down:

  1. It’s watching you (in a totally non-creepy way): Every video you watch, like, share, or quickly scroll past? Yep, the algorithm’s taking notes.
  2. Content is king, queen, and the whole royal family: The algorithm digs into hashtags, captions, sounds, and even the actual content of the video. It’s like a super-picky curator for your personal content museum.
  3. Engagement is the secret sauce: Likes, comments, shares, and watch time are the algorithm’s love language.💖 The more you interact, the more it learns.
  4. It’s not afraid of commitment: Watched a video all the way through? The algorithm’s taking that as a big thumbs up.
  5. It’s got a thing for the new and shiny: Fresh content gets a boost, giving even small creators a shot at the big time. (👈🏽Super important as you’re choosing creators for your collabs)

Now, why should marketers care about all this algorithmic mumbo-jumbo? Because understanding the TikTok algorithm is a cheat code for viral content. It means you can create videos that are more likely to land on the right FYPs (because it’s different for every user). And it gets your brand in front of the eyeballs that matter.


Here’s how to work with — not against — the algorithm:

  • Niche down: Focus on specific interests. The algorithm loves a specialist.
  • Engage early and often: Get your audience interacting in the first few seconds.
  • Ride the wave: Keep an eye on trending sounds and challenges that fit your brand.
  • Quality over quantity: Make every second count. Remember, the algorithm rewards videos that keep viewers glued to the screen.

The beauty of TikTok’s algorithm? It levels the playing field. You don’t need millions of followers to go viral. Just create content that resonates with your target audience.

Lining Up Your Goals with the Right TikTok Influencers and Creators

Finding the right TikTok influencer is like dating. Know what you’re looking for and swipe right on the ones who make your brand’s heart skip a beat.

Here’s how to make sure you’re not left swiping endlessly:

  1. Know thyself (and thy audience): Before sliding into creators’ DMs, clarify your campaign goals and target audience. Are you after Gen Z fashionistas or millennial plant parents? Your ideal influencer’s followers should match your target demographic like peanut butter matches jelly.
  2. Size doesn’t always matter: Don’t get starry-eyed over follower counts. Nano-influencers (1K-10K followers) are hands-down the best at getting top engagement. Remember, it’s not about how many followers they have — it’s about how many are actually listening and commenting.
  3. Check those digits: Engagement rate is the new hot metric in town. Look for influencers boasting rates above 1.5% — they’re the ones turning heads and tapping hearts. Bonus points if they get more comments than your aunt’s Facebook posts about her cat.
  4. Style scout: Let’s take a sec with this one because once upon a time being matchy-matchy was all the rage when it came to brands choosing influencer partners. Now, not so much. Save the twinning for your honeymoon and your 40th wedding anniversary cruise to Myanmar. It’s completely okay for your brand’s vibe and the vibe of your creator partner to not completely match. Right? Because we were all pretty entertained with the Michael CeraVe thing, right? No one thought about This Is How It Ends and was like, “Oh no… CeraVe is disgusting.” No. It was all good feels from the cleverness. We love Michael Cera and it makes us love CeraVe more.
  5. Niche is nice: TikTok’s algorithm loves a good niche. Find influencers who’ve carved out their own little corner of TikTok heaven that aligns with your product.
  6. Authenticity check: Nothing kills a vibe faster than a forced collab. Look for creators who genuinely vibe with your brand. If they’re already using products like yours in their content, you’ve struck gold.
  7. Track record: Don’t be shy about asking for receipts. A seasoned creator should be able to show you the success of their past brand partnerships.

Remember, finding the right TikTok creator is both art and a science. It’s about striking the perfect balance between data-driven decisions and gut feelings. Roughly 62 percent of Gen Z say TikTok impacts their buying decisions, so put in the effort because significant outcomes can be achieved with TikTok.  

Types of TikTok Creators

Creators and influencers have different influences. Some are like friends who always know the latest gossip, fashion, and trends. While others are more like your cool aunt who accidentally went viral.

Here’s the lowdown on the different flavors of TikTok creators:

  1. Nano-influencers (1K-10K followers): These are the underdogs of the TikTok world. Think of them as the local coffee shop to Starbucks. They may be small, but their followers are more loyal than a golden retriever. Perfect for niche products or local campaigns.
  2. Micro-influencers (10K-50K followers): The Goldilocks of influencers – not too big, not too small, just right. They have enough clout to make waves but are still relatable enough that their followers feel they’re getting advice from a friend. Great for brands looking for high engagement rates without breaking the bank.
  3. Mid-tier influencers (50K-300K followers): These folks are like the popular kids in high school, but nicer. They’ve got a solid following and can generate some serious buzz. Perfect for brands wanting to make a splash without diving into the deep end of celebrity endorsements.
  4. Macro-influencers (300K-1M followers): Now we’re talking big leagues. These influencers have followers in the hundreds of thousands and can make your product trend faster than you can say, “TikTok made me buy it.” Ideal for larger brands or nationwide campaigns.
  5. Mega-influencers (1M+ followers): The A-listers of TikTok. They sneeze and it goes viral. Great for massive brand awareness, but be prepared to shell out some serious dough. Their followers are more diverse, so make sure your product has mass appeal.
  6. Celebrities: Yes, even Hollywood has jumped on the TikTok bandwagon. They bring star power and instant recognition, but authenticity can be a challenge. Use with caution and a hefty budget.

Now, how do you pick the right TikTok creator type for your campaign? It’s like choosing the perfect avocado – it depends on ripeness (relevance), size (reach), and how much you’re willing to spend.

Influencer Tiers today

Here’s a quick cheat sheet:

  • Tight budget, niche product: Go for nano or micro-influencers. They’re cost-effective and have highly engaged followers.
  • Mid-range budget, looking for balance: Mid-tier influencers offer a sweet spot of reach and relatability.
  • Big budget, want to make a splash: Macro or mega-influencers can get you massive exposure.
  • Launch a new product line: Mix it up! Use a combo of micro and macro-influencers for a multi-pronged approach.

Remember, bigger isn’t always better. Sometimes, a micro-influencer with a die-hard niche following can outperform a celebrity in engagement and conversions. It’s not about the size of the influencer in the fight, it’s about the size of the fight in the influencer.

So, that’s that part. But before you pop your collar and fold your hands, there’s another important part of this that we need to dig into, and that’s taking a deeper look at how the interest-driven algorithm actually works. #letsGO 

What’s This Interest Graph Everybody’s Talking So Much About?

You’re at a party, and instead of awkwardly mingling with strangers, you’re surrounded by people who happen to share your obsession with obscure 80s movies or your passion for extreme ironing (yes, it’s a thing).

That’s essentially what TikTok’s interest graph does for content. It’s like a matchmaker on steroids, connecting users with content they didn’t even know they needed in their lives.

Here’s why nailing interest graph content is crucial:

  1. It’s the VIP pass to virality: When your content vibes with the interest graph, TikTok’s algorithm becomes your personal hype man, shoving your videos onto more For You Pages.
  2. Engagement on steroids: Interest-aligned content doesn’t just get views; it gets hearts, comments, and shares faster than you can say “TikTok made me do it.”
  3. Brand loyalty that sticks: When users feel like you’re reading their minds with spot-on content, they’ll stick to your brand like glue.

Now, let’s look at some interest graph content that’s crushing it:

  • Duolingo’s unhinged owl: By tapping into Gen Z humor and pop culture, this language learning app has become the unofficial mascot of chaotic good.

So, how do you cook up some irresistible interest graph content? Here are some pro tips:

  1. Stalk your audience (respectfully): Dive deep into the comments, duets, and trends your target audience is vibing with.
  2. Trend-surf like a pro: Keep your finger on the pulse of TikTok trends, but give them your unique spin.
  3. Collaborate and listen: Team up with influencers who already have their finger on the interest pulse of your target audience.
  4. Be the niche you want to see in the world: Don’t be afraid to get specific. The more niche, the more devoted the following.
  5. Authenticity is your superpower: Users can smell inauthenticity from a mile away. Be real, be you, and the right audience will find you.

Remember, creating interest graph content isn’t about appealing to everyone. It’s about being so irresistibly relevant to your niche that they can’t help but engage.

Setting Goals and KPIs for Your Campaign

Launching a TikTok influencer marketing campaign without clear goals is like navigating a corn maze blindfolded – you might have fun, but you’ll probably end up lost and covered in cornsilk.

So, let’s break down how to set goals that’ll make your campaign shine brighter than a TikToker’s ring light.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives (AKA What’s Your TikTok Endgame?)

First, ask yourself: What do you want your campaign to achieve?

For instance, are you looking to:

  1. Boost brand awareness faster than a viral dance challenge spreads?
  2. Drive more traffic to your website than a “link in bio” tease?
  3. Increase sales like it’s Black Friday every day?
  4. Generate leads smoother than a perfectly transitioned TikTok?

Pick your poison (or, preferably, your elixir of success) and make it specific. Remember, “going viral” isn’t a goal; it’s a happy accident – like finding money in your old jeans, but way more entertaining.

Step 2: Choose Your KPIs (Numbers That’ll Make Your Heart Race)

Now, let’s talk KPIs – the metrics that tell you if your campaign is more “Savage” or “Savagely Unsuccessful.” Here are some hot picks:

  1. For brand awareness:
    • Views (because if a TikTok plays in a forest and no one’s there to see it, does it make a sound?)
    • Follower growth (watch those numbers climb like they’re doing the “Stair Challenge”)
    • Hashtag usage (make it catchy, make it trend)
  2. For driving traffic:
    • Click-through rate (CTR) (because views are nice, but clicks pay the bills)
    • Website visits from TikTok (use those UTM codes like they’re going out of style)
  3. For boosting sales:
    • Conversion rate (turn those views into ka-chings)
    • Revenue generated (show me the money!)
    • Return on investment (ROI) (because your boss will definitely ask)
  4. For engagement:
    • Likes, comments, and shares (the holy trinity of TikTok engagement)
    • Duets and Stitches (because imitation is the sincerest form of TikTok flattery)

Choosing KPIs is like picking the perfect TikTok sound – it makes or breaks your campaign. So choose wisely, and may the algorithm be ever in your favor.

Measuring Success and Optimizing Campaigns

So, you’ve unleashed your army of TikTok creators upon the world. Now what? It’s time to see if all those lip-syncs,  POVs, reaction vids, and dance challenges are actually moving the needle for your brand. Let’s break down how to measure success and optimize your campaigns faster.

Track That Traction

First things first, keep tabs on your campaign performance. Here’s how to do it without losing your mind:

  1. Use TikTok’s analytics tools: TikTok’s native analytics are compact but surprisingly useful. Track metrics like video views, engagement rates, and follower growth. It’s basic, but it’s a start.
  2. Level up with third-party tools: For the data junkies among us, third-party analytics tools are where it’s at. They’ll give you deeper insights faster than you can scroll through your FYP.
  3. Set up Custom UTMs: Want to know exactly how many people are sliding into your website from that viral TikTok? Custom UTM parameters are your new best friend. They’re the breadcrumbs for your traffic — but tastier.
  4. Monitor hashtag performance: Keep an eye on your campaign hashtags. Are they taking off like a rocket or falling flatter than a failed dance challenge?

Analyze Like a Boss

The most popular thing to do on TikTok

Now that you’ve got all this juicy data, it’s time to put on your detective hat and start analyzing:

  1. Look for patterns: Are certain types of content outperforming others? Maybe your unboxing videos are killing it while your dance challenges are… well, challenging.
  2. Compare influencer performance: Not all influencers are created equal. Figure out which brings home the bacon and which just brings home the views.
  3. Track conversions: At the end of the day, it’s all about that bottom line. How many of those views and likes are turning into actual customers?
  4. Sentiment analysis: Don’t just count the comments, read them! Are people loving your brand or just loving the influencer’s cat?

Optimize, Rinse, Repeat

Now comes the fun part — taking all those insights and turning them into TikTok gold:

  1. Double down on winners: Found a content format that’s working? Do more of that! If your “day in the life” videos are crushing it, it’s time for a week in the life!
  2. Cut the dead weight: Not every influencer partnership is a match made in heaven. Don’t be afraid to cut ties with underperformers.
  3. Refine your targeting: Use your audience insights to fine-tune who you’re targeting. Maybe you thought you were after Gen Z, but turns out millennials can’t get enough of your content.
  4. Stay trend-savvy: TikTok trends move faster than a cat video goes viral. Keep your finger on the pulse and be ready to jump on the next big thing.
  5. A/B test everything: From video lengths to call-to-actions, test different elements to see what resonates best with your audience.

Now, if this sounds like more work than learning the latest TikTok trends, don’t sweat it. That’s where comes in. Our team of TikTok experts can handle everything from influencer selection to campaign optimization.

With, you’ll get:

  • Access to top-tier TikTok creators who actually know how to use the platform (no awkward millennial attempts at Gen Z humor here)
  • Custom analytics dashboards that make sense of all that TikTok data 
  • Optimization strategies that evolve quicker than TikTok trends themselves

Remember, in TikTok influencer campaigns, standing still is the same as moving backward. So keep measuring, keep optimizing, and for the love of all that is viral, keep dancing. Your TikTok success story is just a few optimized campaigns away.

Partner with a TikTok Influencer

When you want visibility, engagement, and sales, then it’s simple — get yourself TikTok creators to partner with. To do that, you must learn the ins and outs of the platform. But you already have above. To recap:

  1. TikTok’s algorithm is like that friend who always knows what you want before you do – embrace the interest graph and watch your content soar.
  2. Choosing the right influencer is more important than picking the perfect sound. Nano, micro, macro – size matters, but engagement is king.
  3. Interest graph content is the secret sauce. Make it spicier than your hot takes, more addictive than scrolling at 2 AM.
  4. Set SMART goals and track those KPIs like they owe you money.
  5. Measure, optimize, repeat — it’s the holy trinity of TikTok success.

But even with this knowledge, building and executing a successful TikTok influencer campaign can be trickier than explaining the app to your parents.

That’s where comes in. We’re like your personal TikTok translator, matchmaker, and strategist all rolled into one. Ready to turn your brand into the next big thing on TikTok? Don’t just stand there scrolling — take action. 

Here’s what you can do right now:

  1. Sign up for our newsletter. It’s packed with more TikTok tips than a “how-to” video compilation.
  2. Check out our TikTok influencer marketing services. We’ll match you with creators so perfect, that you’ll think we used witchcraft (spoiler: it’s just data)

Still have questions? Book a consultation with our TikTok influencer team. We speak fluent Gen Z and can translate it into ROI.

Safiyyah (Saphia) Lanier B2B Copywriter

About This Author

Saphia Lanier | B2B Content Expert

Marketer. Journalist. Strategist. A powerful combo for B2B SaaS brands looking for customer-centric content that attracts and converts. My 15 years in digital marketing and magazine/newspaper writing prepped me to develop well-researched long-form content that edutains and drives action.

TikTok isn’t just growing—it’s where your next generation of customers are spending their time.

Is your brand ready to go viral on TikTok?

If your team looks stumped every time TikTok trends come up, no worries. Our experts live and breathe TikTok—from the latest trends to the quirks of the algorithm, and everything in between. We’ll help you get your brand in front of the Gen Z and millennials who are glued to their feeds. Ready to craft a killer TikTok strategy with creators who can turn views into conversions? Our team of TikTok strategists has you covered.

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